Launch Of The Candy LHK No. P. 39-year 2017 of Social Forestry in the region aims to prosper Perhutani poor farmers on the island of Java. That is where they will be given the right to utilize the State forest lands already deforested, faded, and displaced a maximum of 2 Ha. In addition, the Government will also provide mentoring, seed, fertilizers etc. And the Government will also help the farmers ranging from preparation to post-harvest. On the other side in the West Java region, there is a group of people criticising and attempting to cancel Candy LHK No. p. 39-year 2017 about social forestry working area Perhutani. According to their Candy LHK No. p. 39-year 2017 will pose "conflicts of society". I.e. between the holder and the farmer peasants IPHS partnering, as well as farmers in existing LMDH. Based on that opinion, they predict that the existence of overlaps with the utilization of the forest it was feared would trigger horizontal conflicts in society. But the wro...