The fictional occurrence of Horizontal Conflict Candy LHK No. 39-year 2017 P.
Launch Of The Candy LHK No. P. 39-year 2017 of Social Forestry in the region aims to prosper Perhutani poor farmers on the island of Java. That is where they will be given the right to utilize the State forest lands already deforested, faded, and displaced a maximum of 2 Ha. In addition, the Government will also provide mentoring, seed, fertilizers etc. And the Government will also help the farmers ranging from preparation to post-harvest.
On the other side in the West Java region, there is a group of people criticising and attempting to cancel Candy LHK No. p. 39-year 2017 about social forestry working area Perhutani. According to their Candy LHK No. p. 39-year 2017 will pose "conflicts of society". I.e. between the holder and the farmer peasants IPHS partnering, as well as farmers in existing LMDH. Based on that opinion, they predict that the existence of overlaps with the utilization of the forest it was feared would trigger horizontal conflicts in society. But the wrong opinion, considered a priori, prejudice, histories, and fiction. Why?
First, the location of the application of IPHPS does not overlap. If the determination of the location of the working area LMDH (Institute for village community forests) that reality has the forest less 10% or even a bald, then clearly it must be adapted to the LMDH IPHS. Not that poor farmers listed as participants LMDH issued, as the target or targets of the program. All poor farmers or communities in question without soil or soil only had less 0.5 Ha and domiciled around the work area or in the Forestry Department in question, will still be used as holders of IPHPS.
Both, however, poor farmers in the region will be in accordance with the culture "compromise" with the Government's policy. They already got the previous IPHPS belongs to farmer tenants who do not have land under or equal to 0.5 Ha. Target implementation Candy LHK No. p. 39/2017 also applies to the sharecroppers. Thus a fellow social class is very small horizontal conflicts related to their relationship with the State. Because they have a culture of accepting and obedient to the State. That negative attitude and conflict against government policies or the holder of the new IPHPS is not the poor farmers who are already there and became a member of the group, but rather the LMDH rente entrepreneur who had been abusing the Government's policy of cooperation the Forestry Department with the community in exploiting the forest countries.
Third, up to this writing made yet never horizontal conflicts. A fellow farmer germ horizontal conflicts will not occur unless there is engineering forestry trade around the region who consider the Forestry Department will experience economic losses if Candy LHK No. p. 39/2017 earnestly implemented.
The fourth issue is indeed inflated so that the Government does not displace their efforts are not sharecroppers and illegal forest land in the region for the Forestry Department. In other words, in order that the Government wants to give privileges to them as entrepreneurs and users working in the area of State land and State land users in the area of Perhutani's work. In sociological they come from high strata of the local region, not a target or the target Candy LHK No. p. 39/2017 but rather "connoisseur rente".
Fifth, the experience in East Java. On Thursday 2 November 2017, President Jokowi handed IPHPS SK (social forestry forest utilization Permission) to around a thousand peasants and poor farmers in the Regency of Probolinggo. This activity themed "Social Forestry for Equitable Economy", which is kept in the village Dared Wetan. The recipient of this IPHPS among other SK Group members: 1. RANU prosperous, 2. Farmer Shoots of hope, 3. Beautiful Earth farm, 4. Wana Tani prosperous, 5. The peasants fertile base, 6. Tani Source Nipples, 7. Lush nature, 8. Tani Lestari Jungle, 9. Tani source of sustenance, and 10. Tani Lestari.
The poor Recipient SK IPHPS as much of the 1,179 people. With a total land area 2.834 Ha., which then divided each 1,275 Ha of Probolinggo, 947 Ha from Lumajang and 612, Ha of the kab Jember. Based on the results of a number of recipient interviews SK IPHPS by Jokowi, an estimated families recipients SK average above Rp 5 million per month.
At the same time, the President of Jokowi submits a DECREE of recognition and protection of forestry partnership to the community. There are a number of groups, the LMDH partnership. The relationship between IPHPS and a number of recipients LMDH looks harmonious and mutually adjusting. There is no overlap between the parties, land and also horizontal conflicts. The claims of critics and detractors, the overlapping horizontal conflicts and not proven on the villages of recipients SK IPHPS in Probolinggo, Malang, and Jember.
Of the five reasons above, clear estimates or claim a group of critics and detractors of Candy LHK No. P. 39/2017 which horizontal conflicts will occur just a mere fiction. For there is no data and facts that prove the existence of such negative estimates.
Kalbar Satu
On the other side in the West Java region, there is a group of people criticising and attempting to cancel Candy LHK No. p. 39-year 2017 about social forestry working area Perhutani. According to their Candy LHK No. p. 39-year 2017 will pose "conflicts of society". I.e. between the holder and the farmer peasants IPHS partnering, as well as farmers in existing LMDH. Based on that opinion, they predict that the existence of overlaps with the utilization of the forest it was feared would trigger horizontal conflicts in society. But the wrong opinion, considered a priori, prejudice, histories, and fiction. Why?
First, the location of the application of IPHPS does not overlap. If the determination of the location of the working area LMDH (Institute for village community forests) that reality has the forest less 10% or even a bald, then clearly it must be adapted to the LMDH IPHS. Not that poor farmers listed as participants LMDH issued, as the target or targets of the program. All poor farmers or communities in question without soil or soil only had less 0.5 Ha and domiciled around the work area or in the Forestry Department in question, will still be used as holders of IPHPS.
Both, however, poor farmers in the region will be in accordance with the culture "compromise" with the Government's policy. They already got the previous IPHPS belongs to farmer tenants who do not have land under or equal to 0.5 Ha. Target implementation Candy LHK No. p. 39/2017 also applies to the sharecroppers. Thus a fellow social class is very small horizontal conflicts related to their relationship with the State. Because they have a culture of accepting and obedient to the State. That negative attitude and conflict against government policies or the holder of the new IPHPS is not the poor farmers who are already there and became a member of the group, but rather the LMDH rente entrepreneur who had been abusing the Government's policy of cooperation the Forestry Department with the community in exploiting the forest countries.
Third, up to this writing made yet never horizontal conflicts. A fellow farmer germ horizontal conflicts will not occur unless there is engineering forestry trade around the region who consider the Forestry Department will experience economic losses if Candy LHK No. p. 39/2017 earnestly implemented.
The fourth issue is indeed inflated so that the Government does not displace their efforts are not sharecroppers and illegal forest land in the region for the Forestry Department. In other words, in order that the Government wants to give privileges to them as entrepreneurs and users working in the area of State land and State land users in the area of Perhutani's work. In sociological they come from high strata of the local region, not a target or the target Candy LHK No. p. 39/2017 but rather "connoisseur rente".
Fifth, the experience in East Java. On Thursday 2 November 2017, President Jokowi handed IPHPS SK (social forestry forest utilization Permission) to around a thousand peasants and poor farmers in the Regency of Probolinggo. This activity themed "Social Forestry for Equitable Economy", which is kept in the village Dared Wetan. The recipient of this IPHPS among other SK Group members: 1. RANU prosperous, 2. Farmer Shoots of hope, 3. Beautiful Earth farm, 4. Wana Tani prosperous, 5. The peasants fertile base, 6. Tani Source Nipples, 7. Lush nature, 8. Tani Lestari Jungle, 9. Tani source of sustenance, and 10. Tani Lestari.
The poor Recipient SK IPHPS as much of the 1,179 people. With a total land area 2.834 Ha., which then divided each 1,275 Ha of Probolinggo, 947 Ha from Lumajang and 612, Ha of the kab Jember. Based on the results of a number of recipient interviews SK IPHPS by Jokowi, an estimated families recipients SK average above Rp 5 million per month.
At the same time, the President of Jokowi submits a DECREE of recognition and protection of forestry partnership to the community. There are a number of groups, the LMDH partnership. The relationship between IPHPS and a number of recipients LMDH looks harmonious and mutually adjusting. There is no overlap between the parties, land and also horizontal conflicts. The claims of critics and detractors, the overlapping horizontal conflicts and not proven on the villages of recipients SK IPHPS in Probolinggo, Malang, and Jember.
Of the five reasons above, clear estimates or claim a group of critics and detractors of Candy LHK No. P. 39/2017 which horizontal conflicts will occur just a mere fiction. For there is no data and facts that prove the existence of such negative estimates.